Thanks for your feedback @mhmatttu, will check it out when i have it all working!
@johnnyruz - I made great progress using the April 2019 released at the link you provided. I got everything online and working, setup the kegs and setup whats on tap at the moment. I then went to add the email setup in, following a reboot i now get ‘502 Bad Gateway’ on the web GUI. Ive removed all the newly added email config, rebooted and still have the error. I ran some commands I found in another post of yours - Kegberry/Kegbot New Installation - #42 by johnnyruz > output is here - iCloud Drive - Apple iCloud
I restarted kegbot services with
sudo supervisorctl restart kegbot:*
This gives:
kegbot:kegboard_daemon: stopped
kegbot:gunicorn: ERROR (spawn error)
kegbot:celery: ERROR (spawn error)
kegbot:kegbot_core: ERROR (spawn error)
kegbot:kegboard_daemon: started
Are you able to please provide any guidance?