Another Kegbot Build to Inspire

Thought I would post some pictures of my kegbot. I created a DigitalOcean droplet to use with my Acer Iconia A210 10.1 tablet.

The tablet itself is secured inside a locking metal enclosure that I purchased from It comes with different mounting hole patterns, and gives me piece of mind knowing that someone won’t walk off with the tablet.

I wired a CAT5e box into the inside wall of my kegerator to make it easier to add/replace flowmeters. I only have one flowmeter now but have plans to add another three soon.

On the outside, in the cabinet under the drip tray, I installed another CAT5e box that is wired directly to the internal one (the network wires are fed through a small hole behind the box).

I purchased a project box large enough to hold a 6-port powered USB 2.0 board and four separate Kegboards. When I add more flowmeters I’ll just connect them to the cat5 box, easy!!


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Very nice. Just wondering how much foam you get per pour with the meter that close to the shank? I have mine and it works alright. I get about 12 oz of beer in a 16oz glass. The rest is foam. I’m fine with it but just wondering how your performs.

It pours pretty nice! Actually, I can’t really tell the difference between pre and post installation, though I do have it installed on one of my porters which has a lower carbonation volume. The pressure for this beer is set at 10 psi with roughly 6 feet of 3/16 beer line to the tap. I just took a picture of a pour for you so you can how much foam I’m getting.

I can tell you though that did break one of the plastic barbs when I initially tried installing it. I tried replacing it with a make-shift brass barb from Home Depot which created almost a full glass of foam. I was pretty concerned that this would be my experience, but when I finally got a new replacement barb in and installed everything worked great.

It will be interesting when I install flowmeters on my other beers that have higher carbonation volumes, such as my Kolsch. I’ll write an update when that happens.

You and I are getting the same results. Let me know how the others work for you.

I finally hooked up flowmeters to my other beers (IPA and Kolsch), which have higher volumes of CO2 compared to my porter. I get the same great pour results as my porter! I’m able to pour 16 oz glasses of both beer styles in one shot without having to wait for the head to go down.

Thought I would post a couple pictures of my completed project box with the Kegboards and powered USB board. I had to shorten up the USB cables so they would fit in the box.

This is awesome. I’m having some trouble with my Nexus 7 in a three tap setup dropping signal to the flow meters at random. Have you experienced this with the Acer tablet at all?

No problems with the Acer yet, it’s been working really well so far. It was pretty easy to connect since it has dedicated power and USB ports. Right now I have the three taps and one temperature sensor connected. I’m going to attempt to connect an authentication device next (button, RFID, or NFC), if I can figure out which one to use and how to hook it up.

That’s awesome. This a great build. Good luck with the RFID!

Hi Jrod,

I’m looking to mount my three kegboard pro mini’s in an enclosure just like you did. I would love to know which parts you used for the enclosure, the standoffs for the KBPM’s and the USB hub.


Hi Rob,

I have a local Fry’s Electronics store close to my house where I bought all the parts. They had many project boxes to pick from, I took one of my KBPM boards with me and purchased one that gave me the room to fit everything I needed, including the powered USB hub which I also purchased there.

I put blue painters tape on the bottom of the project box and then positioned the components on top where I wanted them and used a sharpie pen to mark through the holes onto the blue tape. I then used a Dremel tool to drill all my holes and to cut out the openings for the various ports. I used 2-56 plastic screws and nuts, and stacked 2-56 plastic washers for standoffs to mount the KBPM’s. I cracked the cover off the USB hub and used the existing board holes to mount with 2-56 metal screws and nuts just because I had them laying around already.

Thank you so much! Very helpful response!