Backup permission

Having issues to get the backup file… Get the 403 Forbidden when i try to download the backup file after export… In terminal when trying to get into the backups directory i get Permission denied… Can anyone pls help me with this?

If you don’t have permissions in the terminal, elevate your privileges! Use sudo. To find the place where you lose privileges, I’d recommend attempting to access every parent directory of the destination and find where you start to lose access.

  1. ls -la /path/to/backup/directory
  2. ls -ld /path/to/backup
  3. ls -ld /path/to

Then correct the permissions so you as a shell user in the terminal and a web browser user can access the files.

See for reference.

Thanks, Im pretty clueless with Linux I’m afraid.
I can a open files and directories up till the Backups directory
Just Backups directory im not able to access.
Tried sudo chmod 755 -R, not working.

What Ive done till now was sudo chmod 755 -R backups.
This works but is temporary,following backups is not accessible again.