It would be nice to be able to assign a hashtag to either the beer types or individual kegs.
You could add a hashtag field to the beer types page. Then on the Twitter plugin page there could be a $BEERHASHTAG. So “Keg started template” could be “Just tapped a new keg of $BEER! $BEERHASHTAG”. This would show up on Twitter as "Just tapped a new keg of Blue Moon! #bluemoon.
Then, if I have a keg of Blue Moon I got for a 4th of July party, on the Kegbot Admin: Edit Keg page there could be a text box for a hashtag(s). In this case it could be #4thofjuly #bbq. Then on the Twitter plugin page there could be a $KEGHASHTAG. So “Keg started template” could be “Just tapped a new keg of $BEER! $BEERHASHTAG $KEGHASHTAG”. Which would show up on Twitter as "Just tapped a new keg of Blue Moon! #bluemoon #4thofJuly #bbq.
As far as I know this functionality doesn’t exist, but it a nice feature to have in my opinion.