Charts use wrong time zone

My ‘Sessions’ are collecting data correctly in PST (Pacific Time) and I can see accurately when pours take place using the sessions tab however all the charts are out by several hours, I think Kegbot is using European time as when I pour drinks in the afternoon/evening here in California they show in the charts as being poured the following day. For example, I got home from work at 6pm tonight (Thursday), poured a glass of beer and in the Sessions it correctly shows that I poured a beer at 6pm yet in the charts it shows that the same beer was poured on Friday.

I presume it is related, all my log files are also using the wrong time zone so had there been a log entry at 6pm when I poured this same beer that would show as being logged on Friday morning rather than when it actually occurred on Thursday evening. Not a big deal on the logs while everything is working but it makes it tricky when I have needed to find something in them for troubleshooting.

I am running Kegbot Server (Same install as would be hosted on Digital Ocean only I installed it on my own server) on a Virtual Ubunto box, both the virtual server and the host server are correctly set on PST with the correct time. My tablet at the kegerator is also correctly set on Pacific time and has the correct time set.

Can you please tell me how to correct this so my stats are correct.

Thank You

Thanks for the bug report – I’ve filed the issue here and will try to get to it soon, it should be simple to fix.

Hi Mike,
I’m now running 1.2.1 and my log files are still several hours out, what do I need to change in the server so they reflect the correct time zone?

I tried changing my location under the kegbot Admin tab to a different time zone then back to PST again then restarting the server to create more log entries but they still show as they did before and are several hours ahead of pacific time.