Got a Fire TV stick collecting dust? Play with a Kegbot cousin!

Hey everyone!

About a year ago, I built out a small little side project — well, 90% of it anyway. Though not quite done, it’s “working enough” to toss out there for some feedback: Check out!

What is it? It’s a simple “manage it in the cloud” digital tap list. It works with a Fire TV / Fire TV stick (and could easily work with other devices like ipads if there is interest). Unlike Kegbot this is a display-only deal — no monitoring. It was born out of the frustration I saw non-technical folks having whn trying to get rasberry pi projects to work, just to show off their tap lists. It’s much easier for that.

There are some rather blatant UI bugs right now, but if (like me) you were looking for something to do with your fire tv, maybe it’ll give you some ideas. Feedback / criticism welcome!


Now works with Raspberry Pi (and really, any browser):

I picked up a fire tv stick, during the amazon prime day event yesterday, just for this.
It’ll free up my raspi to collect dust :smiley:

The taplist will be for my wife’s 4 tap kombucha keezer. She doesn’t have any flow monitoring, so this is perfect for her.

Do you plan to host the project in github, or anywhere else that allows bug/issues to be reported?

This was perfect for what I was needed. Something quick and easy to get up and running without having a lot of effort.
