So I had a tablet die and replaced it, to my suprise the Kegbot app is nowhere to be found in the Play store. Even tried on my computer and phone.
I have an APK of a slightly modified version that recognises the CH340 chip and allows 4 taps in ‘local mode’ (thanks to @johnnyruz). Should operate without issue otherwise.
PM your email and I’ll send it to you.
Even I am not able find the kegbot. Can anyone help me finding .APK file of the app?
Regards, 9Apps Cartoon HD
Were you able to solve it? as I am still facing the issue!
I think I have the apk file I’ll check and post back
Hey folks:
- The Kegbot App is in the Google Play store. The original issue here was solved.
- If you need the apk, you can always find the latest one on the releases page (click “assets” for any release).
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